Supportline and Live Chat


Supportline is Victim Support’s free national telephone helpline which handles 55,000 calls and over 5,000 emails a year. Supportline is there for you if you have been affected by crime and is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. You can talk to fully trained Supportline staff in confidence and anonymously if you prefer.

Supportline is there if you need immediate emotional support as well as helpful information and practical advice over the phone. If you need ongoing support, Supportline will refer you on to us.

Still not sure whether this is right for you? Click here to see a short video explaining what happens when you contact Supportline.

You can contact Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111 whenever you need to as it’s always open.

For Text Relay and other ways to contact Supportline, click here

Supportline is just a phone call away and because it’s just a phone call, you’re in total control. You can end the call at any time and no one needs to know who you are, or where you’re calling from, unless you want them to.

Live Chat

Live chat is a free service available for people affected by crime in England and Wales, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. To start a live chat, click here

Click here to find out more about live chat on this short video.

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