Hull & East Riding
Age UK Hull. 01482 324644
Older People's Community Mental Health Team. 01482 335795
North Lincolnshire
Age UK North Lincs. 01507 524242
North East Lincolnshire
Age UK North East Lincs. 01472 344976
Age UK Barnsley. 01226 776820
Barnsley Council Older People's Services
BIADS. Barnsley Independent Alzheimer's and Dementia Support.
Age UK Doncaster. 01302 812345
Age UK Rotherham. 01709 835214
Age UK Sheffield. 0114 250 2850
Age Better in Sheffield. Work in partnership with other agencies to deliver innovative projects to reduce loneliness and isolation in people 50 and over.
Sheffield Council Adult Social Care.
SCCCC. Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care. Services for over 65s in Sheffield include a Goodneighbour scheme: providing support to over 65s such as befriending, emergency food shops and accompanying poeple to appointments. SCCCC also runs an inclusive befriending service for BAME communities in Sheffield. Visit their website to see full services and how you can contact them.
The Herbert Protocol
The Herbert Protocol is help for family and carers to locate someone missing who is suffering dementia or other mental health conditions. You can complete a form with information about them in case they go missing. This will then help the police to locate them. You can find more information by clicking on the links.
National Organisations
The Silver Line. 24 hour helpline for people aged 55 and over. 0800 4 70 80 90.
NHS - loneliness in the elderly and how to help.
Age UK . The national website.